Did You Know You Can Attend a B&B Course?

When starting a new venture it is always a good idea to get as much information on the area in which you choose to go into.  You probably think that running a B&B or Guest House is fairly straightforward and on the whole it is, however, it is not just cook a breakfast and change some beds.

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UK Hotel, Pub & Restaurant Data Shows Trading Has Accelerated Post Brexit

Jamie Rollo – UK hotel, pub and restaurant data shows trading has accelerated post-Brexit

Morgan Stanley analyst Jamie Rollo has revealed data from July and August for the UK hotel, pub and restaurant, and travel industries has shown trading has not only held up post the Brexit vote but even accelerated. He said: “The results are in. Industry data just out for July and August covering hotels, pub/restaurants and package holidays support numerous trading updates from listed and private companies, as well as some of the recent economic data – domestic UK leisure spending has not only been stable since the Brexit referendum, but has actually improved.

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Britain’s favourite seaside destinations

Whether rain or shine, we love the seaside and in the UK, we’re fortunate to possess some real gems; the kinds of charming, stunning and exciting spots that attract scores of holidaymakers to B&Bs and guest houses by the coast.

We asked you what your favourite British seaside destinations were and here are your answers:

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Buying a Hotel – 10 Points to Remember!

  1. The average size UK hotel is in the region of 16 rooms; London has by far the most rooms but by no means the most hotels
  2. Just over half of the total number of hotels in the UK remain in independent hands
  3. The growth of branded hotels, and the development of franchising is setting the pace for the rest of the industry to follow
  4. The growth of branded hotels is a real threat to the independent sector
  5. The market for short (1-3 nights) holidays is bigger than that of the long holidays
  6. London attracts over half of all overseas visitor spend but the South West attracts the biggest domestic visitor spend
  7. Outside London, the domestic leisure and business market is critical to the success of any hotel
  8. Clearly define your market sectors and focus on developing them
  9. People are now booking more and more on-line and are hugely influenced by social media
  10. the independent hotelier’s USP is his/her personality and personal attention to hotel guests and its activities

Source: How to Buy and Manage Your Own Hotel (ISBN: 978-1-910158-22-7)

Thinking of buying a Hotel?

So you think you want to own a hotel, where do you start?  Initially you need to decide what type of hotel you want.  Should it be located in the countryside or within a town?  You need to be able to be interested in and connect with your surroundings, there is no point in buying a hotel that is located in an area where water sports (for example) are the main interest of the clientele if you have no interest in or knowledge of what people enjoy about the sports and local area.

Before you take the plunge – Ten Points to Consider

  1. Never forget a hotel is a very public place – it’s not like running a large home
  2. Remember – you are on your own – any help you need has to be brought (and bought) in
  3. Decide, first, on the type of business you want
  4. Decide on the location
  5. Confirm why you want to buy a hotel
  6. Remember, a hotel imposes great restrictions on your domestic and family life
  7. Obtain some experience by working in a hotel for a while
  8. Decide who will be in control – you alone, your partner, your partners?
  9. Understand the basic economics of managing a hotel before you begin your search
  10. The search for your dream hotel is likely to be long and frustrating

(Source: How to Buy & Manage Your Own Hotel – ISBN: 978-1-910158-22-7)


Are you are thinking of selling your Bed & Breakfast business?

Many people when thinking of retirement decide to operate their business at a reduced level before selling it.  This is not something we would recommend if you want to get the best price for your business.  When valuing a business the valuers and lenders will look at the last three years of trading accounts and if turnover has been reducing it represents a business in decline rather than a viable concern.  Valuers and lenders will consider the bricks and mortar value of the concern and then add on the value of the business to come to a market valuation.

If you can continue to trade your business to its potential you will achieve the best possible valuation for it which in turn gives you the best chance of achieving your guide price.  We have had several cases where clients have been wanting to buy a concern but have had difficulty in raising the finance due to the trading figures, lenders are aware that a lot of people deliberately trade under the VAT threshold and will take this into consideration when looking at borderline deals.

If you are thinking of selling your business please call us to discuss how we can help you.  We can in some instances arrange a line of credit for your potential purchasers.

Better business planning for guesthouses

Some guesthouse owners start out full of enthusiasm and optimism, but struggle when they find that their bills are higher than they expected, that the working hours are longer than expected and that key aspects of health and safety policy have been overlooked. Whether you are running a guesthouse or a large hotel, focusing on business planning should be your first consideration.

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