As winter approaches you may find that your B&B or hotel bookings dip slightly, but don’t waste this precious down time, use it to your advantage by getting ready for next year.
Here’s six ways you can make the most of the low season:
- Menus: It’s a great opportunity to revisit your menus. Why not cook up some new dishes, discover some local food producers or give the complete menu an overhaul? Your guests will remember what they eat, so give them something amazing that they’ll tell their friends about, and want to come back for.
- Redecorate: Are the rooms and bathrooms looking a bit tired? Now is the time to redecorate. You could always ask a local interior designer to give you some tips, or if you prefer to do it yourself, take inspiration from websites and magazines. Look at what colours and textures are current and what suits the style of your property and existing furniture, and your budget of course.
- Publicity: Now is the time to link into social media, update your website and contact local businesses who could promote you to their staff and visitors, or use your property as a retreat. You could also join some networking groups where you’ll meet other business owners. You could make some useful contacts for future bookings.
- Deep cleaning: Your rooms and bathrooms get cleaned after every guest but how often do they and the communal areas get a deep clean? Low season is a great time to call in the cleaning experts and make sure your whole property is spick and span for next year.
- Paperwork: When you’re busy running your own business sometimes the paperwork can get put to one side for other unplanned emergencies. Use your downtime to get on top of everything. Check any outstanding loans, licensing or insurance renewals.
- Holiday: Finally, you could enjoy your downtime and take a well-deserved holiday. Fly off somewhere exotic or take a city break.
Whatever you decide to do in the low season, go on holiday, or stay at home and re-group, your business will benefit from a newly charged you.
The Stewart Hindley Partnership are specialists in securing hospitality finance to enable you to set up your own B&B or boutique hotel. So, if you are starting a B&B or want to invest to grow your business, then give us a call on 01488 393040 and speak to one of our advisors about your hospitality finance requirements or your B&B finance requirements.