A business idea is only as successful as the amount of effort and dedication you put into it. Starting up a business can be costly, placing emphasis on the fact that you need to get the best deals on resources and goods. One extremely important aspect is your place of business. When running a bed and breakfast, you should ideally own the property as a freehold status for additional security. However, it can be difficult to secure the right bed and breakfast mortgage – that’s where we are able to help. As we are a whole of market broker firm, we’re not tied to any specific lenders. Instead, our clients are only provided with unbiased and independent advice regarding what works the best for their personal circumstances. We help our clients to secure business loans to make their dreams come true.
There are a few things that you should check to help your application look more attractive when applying for finance. First of all, a deposit of around 30 per cent or more is greatly appreciated and proves to the lender that you are able to manage finances properly. It’s also recommended to make sure that your personal credit history is in good health and that you’re able to prove relevant experience. Using our help and comprehensive debt applications, you can also strengthen your application. With over twenty five years of experience and the reassurance of a completely independent service, we are one of the first choices for hospitality finances. Allow us to help find you the best loans for your business as we have done for thousands of clients in the past. In 2014, we even processed over £45m worth of formal business loan applications for our clients, proving that we’re the one to call.
Key to securing the finest deals
Maintaining excellent relationships with lenders and financial bodies is our key to securing the finest deals and we possess a broad range of knowledge in all aspects of financial assistance. Our name is associated with professionalism and quality throughout our sector and we take pride in the fact that we deliver exceptional service. If you would like to know more about what we’re able to do for you and how we can kick start your business venture in hospitality by helping you find a bed and breakfast mortgage, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team. We will happily discuss your options with you and come to an agreement on the best course of action to achieve your business dreams.